Monday, February 27, 2012

Sneezes, allergies, tissue

Hey there parents,

It's almost March.  With the warmer spring weather I expect lots of runny noses.  Our class is out of tissues.  Would you care to send a box of Kleenex or other brand tissue so that their little noses are spared the torture of paper towels?  Thanks so much.

Also, please let me know if they suffer from spring allergies. I will allow them to keep tissues with them at all times.  If you need them to take any medication for allergies, they may do so with a doctor's note and with the medication kept in the office. 

Thanks again!!!

Monday Folders, spelling words, agendas

Please check your child's Monday folder today and return it signed, also, we will send home the new spelling list today.  I hope that each night the children are taking the time to study their words.  Agendas will be sent home tomorrow.  Look for all paperwork in the Monday folders as it will include some important information.  Thanks for your support!

Mrs. Critz

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Aquarium

Thank you so much to the parents who came to the aquarium today to help out!  We had a great time! The boys had a ball exploring the habitats of fresh and salt water fish and animals.  It was fun to watch some of them react as they pet the sharks and stingrays.  Some of the boys got to feed shrimp to the stingrays!  They loved petting the sturgeon and every time we turned a corner and saw a shark, they were AMAZED.  I love teaching the second grade boys.  Every day is an adventure.  Thank you for sharing them with me.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Simple machines

We are studying simple machines in science.  I have found a wonderful activity to use with the children online!  Please go to this website and allow them to play and explore!

Thank you so much!!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Spelling, Monday folders, etc.

Our spelling test for last week's words will be given today.  Friday was a very busy afternoon for our class.  We will be getting new spelling words today as well as taking home our Monday folders. 

Please make sure to review each paper in the Monday folder with your child and praise them for the good grades they receive as well as look closely at the papers they struggled with.   Thank you for your support.

If you did not get to meet with me regarding your child's report card, please call the school to schedule a conference.  I am available after school any day to meet with you but would like to plan in advance.

Thank you again for your support. 

Mrs. Critz